So many things which happen to us leave us with absolutely no say in the matter!

We're often faced with situations outside of our control; from small changes within the workplace to life-changing events which have a huge impact on us. So many things which happen to us leave us with absolutely no say in the matter!

Think of an example of something which has happened which has impacted you and you had no say. Take some time to think about how you naturally reacted to this. Perhaps feelings of sadness, anger, overwhelm or stress? Now think about how this situation could have felt without those feelings.

Life is not about what happens to you, it's about how you react to it. Whilst we do have these natural reactions to situations, they can be overpowering and alter your mindset and way of living for extended periods of time. Your happiness and mental state shouldn't be dictated by another person or another thing. You're worth more than that!

So, your reaction to a particular event is key. Making a conscious effort to shift your focus by remaining grateful and aware of your reactions can help in times of loss, stress, anxiety and overwhelm. Regularly looking inward by practicing gratefulness or taking time to be still through meditation creates strong, positive habits of being in control of your emotions and reactions, making it easier to be at the centre of your emotions and reactions when something happens.

Whilst this may be a challenge at first with a level of discipline required, your future self will thank you.