"fear kills more dreams than failure ever will"

How many times does fear hold us back? I can hold my hand up to this one, too! We're so worried to fail, nervous of what people may think of us, or just lack the confidence to put ourselves out there. The reality is often the complete opposite and we find that the time where we sat on a feeling or an action is actually just wasted time, fuelled by fear.

Perhaps you've been told that you're not good enough, or that you'll never make it. Was that someone's actual thought, or was it their fear making an appearance too?

What dreams are you holding back from? An idea could be to write your dream(s) down, and then ponder over what is stopping you from reaching that dream. Making note of these fears and feelings is a great first step to realising what is going on. From then, you can put plans in place to eradicate or work through these blockages.

If you have fears holding you back from your dreams, find yourself lacking in confidence or self-esteem, or have a habit which is preventing you from reaching your goals, you're in the right place. With my support, you'll be on a unique healing journey where the results will amaze you.